We provide top quality consulting services for value creation for companies and their owners.
See transactionsWe specialize in transactional projects related to the sale of shares in companies. Typically, the sale is 100% of shares or majority control share. Buyers are companies in the industry, private equity funds or private investors.
Selling a company is a very complex process. In a company's history it is a groundbreaking event. From the point of view of current owners, it’s one of the most important decisions in their lives. Therefore, there is no place for just learning and experimenting.
Market leaders grow as a result of successful acquisitions and mergers with other companies. Currently, a number of industries are in the process of consolidation due to increased competition and reaching maturity. It is predicted that this process will intensify.
We help companies and investors who:
We assist in the whole process of taking over or combining. We supervise and coordinate all auxiliary activities related to legal and tax services.
We carry out projects related to financing a company's development or financing investment projects. The investment is usually financed through a capital increase, a mezzanine loan or a bank debt, or a combination of these instruments.
Our services are complex. We take responsibility for the whole process. We supervise and coordinate all auxiliary activities related to legal and tax services.
We help in rescuing or recovering liquidity, repairing the ‘pasiva’ side of the balance sheet and improving the long-term financing structure of companies.
This is most often the result of obtaining additional financing to rebuild working capital, to refinance existing debt and strengthen the company's capital. This is often associated with the sale of part of the business, concentration on the core business of the company, securing of new investors for the company and refinancing of bank debt.
Our services are complex. We help in negotiations with partners, bondholders, banks and other stakeholders.
We carry out buyout transactions by groups of managers. We help prepare the project from the point of view of their needs and those of the capital and debt providers.
We attract investors and banks that finance the transaction. Leveraged Buy Out / Management Buy Out consists of purchasing of the business by external investors, or the board of directors of the company, using borrowed money. For this reason, the amount of capital that the acquirer must engage is low. It usually ranges from 10 - 25% of the value of the whole transaction. The debt is "transferred" to the LBO-financed company and repaid within a few (five to six) years, through profit or, more specifically, the free cash flow that the company will generate. In a nutshell, that’s how to describe a leveraged buyout operation.