Sell-side Advice
Capital advisory to Netia S.A. in the process of sale of the operator's subsidiary – Premium Internet S.A. - leader in segment of termination of traffic in CEE.
Holon as the transaction adviser to Netia S.A. - a leading telecommunications company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, finalised the sale of the operator's subsidiary - Premium Internet S.A. The party to the transaction worth of PLN 12,400,000 was the telecommunications operator, MediaTel S.A., which is listed on the WSE. The transaction was conducted in the form of the sale of the main part of the business.
The transaction, which was managed by Holon, is consistent with the strategies of both the buyer and the seller. MediaTel is consistently following its strategy of consolidation on the Polish communications market and, after executing the transaction, will become a leading player on the Polish market of international telecommunications traffic terminations. The sales contract is consistent with Netia's strategy of concentrating on growth through the development of broadband services and the improvement of financial flows and profitability of the B2B segment.
"We are convinced that the contract which was signed today is advantageous for both partners, Netia and Mediatel. Netia is receiving a good price for operations which are not a priority in our strategy, while Mediatel is acquiring a successful sector of activities which is the market leader and which will enable the company to build a scale in its strategy which is oriented towards wholesale services," said Bertrand Le Guern, member of Netia's management board.
The market responded very favourably to the transaction - MediaTel's shares soared by almost 6% compared with the previous day while the WIG index dropped by approximately 2%.
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Company information

Netia S.A. (www.netia.pl) is one of the largest fixed line telephony operators in Poland. The company was established in 1990 and had its debut on the Warsaw stock exchange in 2000. It currently provides telecommunications services, ISDN, data transmission and Internet access. Its main customers are businesses. The company's market capitalisation is PLN 1.5 bn. The company employed 1,200 people at the end of 2007.
( TMT / Telco / Telecom )
Premium Internet S.A. is a Polish telecommunications operator providing services on the international carrier market since 1998. The company terminates traffic using TDM and VoIP technology in Poland, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. It is the market leader in this segment and is responsible for the termination of almost 30% of calls in Central Europe.
Investor information

MediaTel S.A. is a telecommunications operator specialising in Internet access and data transmission services on the national and international market. Furthermore, the company is a public telephony operator using the public fixed line network with the right to use the prefix of 1031 and having its own numbering range. It has been listed on the WSE since 2004.