Sell-side Advice
Capital advisory to the owners in the process of acquiring a strategic investor for Proryb Sp. z o.o. - a leading company in the Polish fish processing industry.
Przetwórstwo Ryb PRORYB B.Z. Dyzmańscy Sp. z o.o. - one of the leading and simultaneously the oldest private company in the fish processing industry has obtained a strategic investor. A group of Icelandic investors related to Novo Food Sarl acquired a majority stake in the company.
The transaction was conducted in the form of the purchase of an 85% stake. Simultaneously, the company gained additional financing in the form of a bank loan. The transaction value was not publicised on the request of the parties. The existing management has been increased to include a representative of the investor, while the company founder, Mr. Zygmunt Dyzmański, assumed the post of chairperson of the Supervisory Board.
The investors have been operating on the fish processing and trading market for a dozen or so years and come from the managements of the largest Icelandic corporations, Alfesca and Icelandic Group.
The investment will enable PRORYB to expand quickly and take advantage of the market opportunities which are appearing in connection with its entry onto the markets of Central and Western Europe, including France, Germany and Scandinavia. The company intends to invest in production capacity and new product development.
Holon held the role of strategic adviser to PRORYB in the process of verifying the development strategy and in the investment process, which included preparing the offering, identifying investors and handling the transaction.
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Company information
PRORYB is one of the major companies in the Polish fish processing industry with annual revenues of PLN 45 M (EUR 11 M), specialising in the production of marinated products and smoked fish. The company is located in Rumia (near Gdansk) and has been operating on the market since 1973. It is widely known in the industry for its innovativeness and its top quality products. It also has one of the best recognised brands. It sells its products in all the largest retail chains in Poland.
Investor information