Sell-side Advice
Capital advisory to the owners in the process of finding a financial investor for Kakadu sp. z o.o. – leading company in the pet supplies retailing sector in Poland.
Holon attracts a private equity investor for the market leader in pet supply retailing - Kakadu Sp. z o.o.
Kakadu was established at the end of 2008 as a result of a merger of three companies in the sector operating under the trade names of “Kakadu”, “Anna ZOO” and “Pyszczak”. This transaction was the culmination of the process of consolidation negotiations in the sector lasting several months, which enabled the establishment of a decided leader and the receipt of funding for further expansion.
Kakadu’s management board and the new investor intend to strengthen the company’s leading position by improving its operational effectiveness, opening new shops and acquiring other companies in order to accelerate the consolidation of the sector.
The transaction was conducted in the form of a capital increase and the acquisition of some of the shares from the existing owners of the companies. The transaction was concluded on 6 March 2008. The transaction value was not publicised on the request of the parties. The investment was financed by two funds managed by Arx Equity Partners, DBG Eastern Europe II LP and Arx CEE III LP.
Holon held the role of adviser to the three merging entities in the company merger process and in the investment process, which included the preparation of the offering, the identification of potential investors and the handling of the transaction with the selected investor.
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Company information

KAKADU Sp. z o.o. (www.kakadu.pl) is Poland’s market leader in pet supply retailing. The company has 25 shops located in shopping centres in large cities. The forecast of the chain’s sales will be in excess of 20 million euros in 2009. Approximately 2,500 pet shops operate on the Polish pet supplies market, while its estimated value is 500 million euros.
Investor information

ARX Equity Partners (www.arxequity.com) is a company which manages private equity funds in Central and Eastern Europe. The company has offices in Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Bucharest. The shareholders of the funds are renowned financial institutions. ARX closed its first round of financing of its third fund, Arx CEE III LP, at a level of 83 million euros in October last year. Ultimately, the fund’s capital is to amount to 125 million euros. KAKADU Sp. z o.o. (www.kakadu.pl) jest liderem rynku detalicznego artykułów zoologicznych w Polsce. Spółka posiada 25 sklepów zlokalizowanych w centrach handlowych w dużych miastach. Prognozowana sprzedaż sieci przekroczy 20 milionów Euro w 2009 roku. Na polskim rynku artykułów zoologicznych działa ok. 2,5 tysiąca sklepów zoologicznych a jego szacowana wartość wynosi 500 mln Euro.