Buy-side Advice
M&A advisory to owners of “Klinika Bocian” – the leading centers providing infertility treatment, gynecology and obstetrics services in Poland in the process of purchase of My Clinic Riga, a modern infertility treatment center in the capital of Latvia.
Holon served as the transaction advisor to the owners of “Klinika Bocian” network of infertility, gynecology and obstetrics clinics, in the process of purchase of My Clinic Riga.
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Company information

Bocian Clinics are among leading fertility treatment providers in Poland. They operate on the market for the last 15 years. “Bocian” clinics originated from Białystok, the cradle of in-vitro in Poland, operate also in Warsaw, Poznan, Katowice and Szczecin. Facilities offer patients comprehensive diagnostics using advanced technology for reproductive medicine and in-vitro fertilization. For more information, please visit: https://s.klinikabocian.pl/en
Target information

My Clinic Riga is a modern centre for fertility treatment in the capital of Latvia. The clinic is a modern, world class clinic that offers a full range of services from medical consultation and diagnostics to surgery, infertility treatment and complex medical procedures. It is a professional, experienced team of doctors who use latest evidence-based techniques of diagnostics and treatment. Their goal is to offer quality and patient-oriented care for the benefit of each patient’s health and well-being. For more information, please visit: https://www.myclinicriga.lv